أخبار عاجلة

Types of classroom management patterns in Arab secondary schools for girls in Abeche – A Field Study-

أنماط الإدارة الصفية السائدة في المدارس الثانوية العربية للبنات بمدينة ابشة-دراسة ميدانية-

The study aimed to know the patterns of the grade management which prevalent in Arabic secondary schools for girls in Abeche town. From the views of school headmasters and female headmasters, the researcher followed the descriptive approach, and depended on the questionnaire as the main tool for the study and the study sample represented in 24 school principals and female principals, and study revealed the following results:

– Most of teachers in Arabic secondary schools for girls in Abeche town are males and they are University certificate holders.

– From the patterns of the grade management, which are prevalent in Arabic secondary schools for girls in Abeche, are dominative, democratic and freelancing patterns.

– Relating, concerns the dominative that the teachers practice in the grade keen at the procession of lesson routinely, and apply the commands literally in the grade, and it prevents the students of their views, and the continuous criticism to them.

– In democratic pattern, some teachers are keen to prevail spirit of collaboration in the grade and encouraging students at commencing their views and participation in discussion, and development of their individual skills.

– Regarding the freelancing pattern, some teachers found in the grade, their decisions characterized by improvisation and chaos, period’s implementation without prior planning, and giving the students entire freedom in the class, and they commit neutrality towards the attitudes that requires decisiveness.

Keywords: Classroom Management, Classroom Management Styles, Arab Secondary Schools for Girls, Absha City.

Dr. Mahamat Atalib Adoum HAMEDY, Lecturer at Higher Teachers’ Training School of Abeche – TCHAD

تقييم المستخدمون: 4.02 ( 1 أصوات)

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