This paper has been an attempt to discuss the major drawbacks encountered in cross-cultural research at epistemological and methodological levels.
We maintain that many of the disadvantages of cross-cultural research reside in the place of epistemology on the hinge of methodological approaches.
The objective of this paper is to emphasize the link between epistemology and methodological issues.
Based on the literature that has dealt with this subject, the major drawbacks will be presented with some avenues for improvement for future research.
Keywords: Epistemology, Intercultural Research, Constructivist Positivism.
Zied Akrout, Department of Business Administration, College of Business, King Khalid University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Mohamed Amine BOURAOUI, University of Sfax
Salim Bourchid Abdelkader, Department of Business Administration, College of Business, King Khalid University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia