الثلاثاء , أبريل 30 2024

العدد الرابع عشر

A contrastive study between the Arabic language and the Turkish language in the grammatical field Transitive verbs and intransitive verbs as an example

دراسة تقابلية بين اللغة العربية واللغة التركية في المجال النحويالأفعال المتعدية والأفعال اللازمة أنموذجاً Diller arası karşılaştırmalı çalışmaların hedef dilin öğretimini kolaylaştırmada katkısı olduğuna şüphe yoktur. Yabancı diller arasında birçok çalışma yapılmış olup, Arapça ve Türkçe arasında tarihsel bağlar olmasına rağmen bu payın daha az olduğu görülmektedir. Onlara. Dolayısıyla bu …

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International interest in Environmental Protection

الاهتمام الدولي بحماية البيئة Environmental protection is a topic of significant concern on both the international and regional levels, as well as within the national legislative frameworks of countries worldwide. The international effort to safeguard the environment dates back to 1926 with the Washington Convention, and since then, both international …

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Migration between the edges of Emancipation and suffering in the Moroccan cinema

المهاجر بين شرفتي الأمل والألم في السينما المغربية Migration has consistently been a fundamental source in Moroccan cinema for exploring the depths of the relationship and confrontation between Morocco and European countries, politically, culturally, and socially. Despite being and still considered a shameful escape from a miserable appearance towards new …

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Aspects of social history during the Almoravid and Almohad eras: The dialectic of the relationship between Sufis and the common people in Al-Aqsa Maghreb and Andalusia as an example

جوانب من التاريخ الاجتماعي خلال عهدي المرابطين والموحدين:جدلية العلاقة بين المتصوفة وعامة الناس بالمغرب الأقصى والأندلس أنموذجا There is no doubt that social history in general and the history of the oppressed social classes in particular are among the obscure corners in the history of the Islamic West during the …

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The Virtues of Honoring Parents and the Sin of Disobedience to Them in Islam

فضائل برالوالدين وإثم عقوقهما في الإسلام دراسة تأصيلية This research examines the importance of honoring and avoiding disobedience to parents in Islam. Islam considers honoring parents as fundamental values and ethical principles emphasized by the religion. Honoring parents is seen as a significant duty in Islam that requires commitment and …

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Praise of political leaders by contemporary Chadian poets: a study of words and meanings (Praise of Gaddafi as an example)

مدح القادة السياسيين عند الشعراء التشاديين المعاصرين: دراسة في الألفاظ والمعاني (مدح القذافي أنموذجا) This study presented poems by Chadian poets in praise of political leaders. To explain the meanings and images it contains; she took the poems praising Gaddafi as a model, and conducted an artistic study in them, …

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