المهاجر بين شرفتي الأمل والألم في السينما المغربية
Migration has consistently been a fundamental source in Moroccan cinema for exploring the depths of the relationship and confrontation between Morocco and European countries, politically, culturally, and socially. Despite being and still considered a shameful escape from a miserable appearance towards new worlds for different reasons, the migrant found himself between the hammer of self-discovery and assertion, and the anvil of pain, estrangement, and transformation. Therefore, the study relies on approaching the subject of migration and the migrant in Moroccan films and what they represent in terms of cultural and social consequences.
The researcher aims, through it, to address the nature, causes, and motives of migration, as well as the question of the interest of Moroccan cinema in the topic of migration and immigrants as a social issue with various manifestations and expressions, and how filmmakers and directors deal with migration in relation to content and reality.
Keywords: Migration, the Migrant, Moroccan Cinema, Emanicipation, Suffering, Alienation.
Abdelkrim EL MNAOUI, Professor and researcher in literature and arts, Ministry of National Education – Kingdom of MOROCCO