أخبار عاجلة

Aspects of social history during the Almoravid and Almohad eras: The dialectic of the relationship between Sufis and the common people in Al-Aqsa Maghreb and Andalusia as an example

جوانب من التاريخ الاجتماعي خلال عهدي المرابطين والموحدين:جدلية العلاقة بين المتصوفة وعامة الناس بالمغرب الأقصى والأندلس أنموذجا

There is no doubt that social history in general and the history of the oppressed social classes in particular are among the obscure corners in the history of the Islamic West during the Almoravid and Almohad eras, which are evident in the historians’ works especially on the royal sultan’s history. Its bitterness is even more evident when the dialectical relationship between Sufi men and the general public is meticulously investigated and thoroughly studied as it represents a number of issues that can unveil many other societal issues and problems during that era.

In this context, this research paper aims at contributing constructively and soberly in shedding light on some forgotten aspects of the dialectic relationship between these two uncherished, ignored social groups, as a result of a set of societal factors in Morocco and Andalusia during the Almoravid and Almohad eras with more focus on the miserable living conditions of the common people due to the oppressing reign of the Almoravids. The ruling regime pushed the common people to embrace the Sufis in an attempt and hope to escape both the awful social situation and the tyrannical ruling regime.

Keywords: Social history, Sufis, Common People.

Hassan KECHAHI, Specialized educational inspector for secondary education qualification, doctorate in educational sciences, PhD, Mohammed V University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Rabat – MOROCCO

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