The subject of this research revolves around the stage of the obligated person (male and female) reaching a certain stage of physical perfection and reaching a certain age, such that he is responsible for the obligatory rulings and is punished for abandoning them, and his social, economic and commercial transactions are correct and do not require anyone’s approval or permission, and he is also held accountable. With the limits and it is taken for him. This research specializes in clarifying the proof of puberty and the conditions for verifying it or not according to the famous Imami jurists by presenting their evidence and statements on the issue, and presenting the differences that occur between them regarding it. The research also presents the differing narrations that the jurists of this school of thought cited in this field, and weighing between them by adopting the inductive and analytical approaches to arrive at a conclusion. Resolving the points of difference between the approved narratives on this topic.
Keywords: Puberty, Evidence, Imami Shiites.
Dr. Shahlaa Ridha MAHDI, Islamic Sharia sciences, Karbala University – IRAQ