أخبار عاجلة

İlahi Sünnetleri İnsanın Onu Anlama Onunla Başa Çıkmadaki Rolü

Divine Laws And The Human Role İn Understanding And Dealing With Them

السنن الإلهية ودور الإنسان في فهمها والتعامل معها

The application of divine commands in contemplating the universe and in man’s creation requires looking at cosmic phenomena, recognizing the relationships and connections between them, knowing the laws and foundations that regulate them, and the same in man himself. Since the mind alone could not stand on the knowledge of these laws, the Holy Qur’an came to mention and define these laws, and guided man to how to know and deal with them.

This research dealt with the study of the subject of the universal and human divine Sunnah in an Jurisprudential rooting study, by standing on the most important of what was stated in the Holy Qur’an in the statement of the divine Sunnah, and analyzing the opinions of Scientists on this subject, to reach the required result, which is to know how to understand these Sunnahs and how to deal with them, in each of their different types.

This study adopted the inductive and analytical methodology, as I proceeded in the study to extrapolate the most important verses of the Qur’an that speak about the universal and human divine laws. I did not intend to achieve complete extrapolation because it is not possible to be done in the nature of thıs article. After extrapolating these Qur’anic verses and collecting what the scholars said on this subject, I proceeded to analyze all of that, dividing it into multiple sections, and simplifying it in an easy way that shows the differences between the universal divine laws and the human divine laws, explaining the role of man in dealing with each of these sections.

Keywords: Divine Sunnahs, Human Sunnahs, Cosmic Sunnahs, Social customs, Social Sunnahs.

Abdulhamid EBUBEKİR, Doktora Öğrencisi, Marmara Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi, Temel İslam Bilimleri, Arapça Bölümü, Fıkıh Üslü Anabilimdalı, İstanbul – TÜRKİYE

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