الثلاثاء , أبريل 30 2024

العدد الثالث والعشرون

Traditional media: Characteristics and challenges

الإعلام التقليدي: الخصائص والتحديات This study focused mainly on clarifying the concept of traditional media after the emergence of social networks and new media in general that imposed this term. The study also showed the most important characteristics of this media by analyzing them for its main branches: radio, television …

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Mediatic space sociology A reading of Technological Determinism in the face of value alienation

سوسيولوجيا الفضاء الميدياتيكي – قراءة في الحتمية التكنولوجية في مواجهة الاغتراب القيمي The influx of information through the new media of communication generated a civilizational cross-fertilization that cemented the system of values ​​and culture of the country that produces information and technology alike. Weak awareness of responsible use of this …

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The west media and the embodiment of islamophobia A comprehensive theoretical and analytic approach

الإعلام الغربي وتكريس الإسلاموفوبيا الجديدة، مقاربة نظرية تحليلية شاملة During the last period, the image of Islam and Muslim people is faced to many defamations and counterfeiting in the west media precisely the French ones which did their best in wide spreading the content which creates panic and fear from …

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The problem of education for Syrian refugee children and social integration programs Turkey and Germany as an example

مشكلة تعليم أطفال المهاجرين السوريين وبرامج الدمج الاجتماعيتركيا وألمانيا نموذجاً The Syrian revolution, after ten years of the ongoing war in Syria, has produced the greatest human tragedy that humanity has known of the destruction and displacement of about 16 million unarmed civilians, with disastrous results that half of the …

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Attitudes of Arabic language teachers of the intermediate stage in the State of Kuwait towards using Teams app and using it to teach Arabic subject during Corona pandemic

اتّجاهات معلمي ومعلمات مادة اللغة العربية للمرحلة المتوسطة بدولة الكويت نحو استخدام برنامج تيمز وتوظيفه لمادتهم العلمية أثناء جائحة كورونا The research was intended to identify the trends of teachers of my Arabic language for the middle school in Kuwait towards the use of the Teams program and its employment …

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The challenges of e-learning in light of the application of electronic management

تحديات التعليم الالكتروني في ظل تطبيق الإدارة الالكترونية Over the past few years, information and communication technologies (ICT) and their advanced applications have produced a new administrative reality, manifested in the fall of many intellectual concepts and systems upon which administrative studies relied upon, where modern administrative methods have become …

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The Use of Electronic Advertising to Attract Users of Social Media Platforms Targeting Options and Imperative Receive

إستراتيجية الإشهار الإلكتروني في جذب مستخدمي منصات التواصل الاجتماعي خيارات الاستهداف وحتمية التلقي The Internet has introduced a new type of advertising based on providing a unique service to customers based on their preferences while also lowering costs. It is distinguished by an infinite supply. It has become known as …

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The Electronic Signature as a proof of Evidence and the Scope of its Application – Comparative study

ميزان تفاوت حجية التوقيع الإلكتروني ونطاق تطبيقه-  دراسة مقارنة – The world has witnessed steady changes and development at all levels, especially in the technological and innovation fields. Accordingly, the world has become a small village, thanks to the considerable advances of the means of communication, which transmit the information, …

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