سوسيولوجيا الفضاء الميدياتيكي – قراءة في الحتمية التكنولوجية في مواجهة الاغتراب القيمي
The influx of information through the new media of communication generated a civilizational cross-fertilization that cemented the system of values and culture of the country that produces information and technology alike. Weak awareness of responsible use of this new digital space, which resulted in the emergence of new behaviors such as the intensive use of youth on social media as platforms for unloading emotional charging, chatting and exchanging cultural and political ideas.
These communicative spaces open to rebellion and revolution against individual psychological repressions such as shame, introvertedness, and social pressures have become a lack of platforms for freedom of expression and political restraint.
Hence, the social change resulting from the media space can be seen with the vision of determinism whose transformations have affected three technical, social and value levels.
Keywords: New Media, Social Media, Values , Digital Identity, Value and Social Alienation.
Dr. Radia HAMIDA, Professor Lecturer A, Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences, University of Algiers 3 -ALGERIA