أخبار عاجلة

Attitudes of Arabic language teachers of the intermediate stage in the State of Kuwait towards using Teams app and using it to teach Arabic subject during Corona pandemic

اتّجاهات معلمي ومعلمات مادة اللغة العربية للمرحلة المتوسطة بدولة الكويت نحو استخدام برنامج تيمز وتوظيفه لمادتهم العلمية أثناء جائحة كورونا

The research was intended to identify the trends of teachers of my Arabic language for the middle school in Kuwait towards the use of the Teams program and its employment for their scientific subject during the Corona pandemic, and the research sample consisted of (123) teachers from the schools of general education in Al-Jahra – Kuwait, out of the total community of (619), where they were selected in the random class method, and the analytical descriptive curriculum was adopted, and the questionnaire was taken as a tool for it in collecting data, consisting of three areas: Trends of teachers in my Arabic language towards the use of Teams program and its employment for their scientific subject during the Corona pandemic related to: student, family, teacher, technical guidance, school curriculum, ministry of education, where it included (33) paragraphs, the results of the research showed: The trends of teachers in my Arabic language towards the use of the Teams program and its employment for their scientific subject during the Corona pandemic related to: student, family, teacher, technical guidance, school curriculum, and ministry of education came to an average degree, as well as the absence of statistically significant differences. For the trends of teachers in my Arabic language for middle school in Kuwait towards the use of Teams program and its employment for their scientific subject during the Corona pandemic due to the changing sex, and experience in teaching, the research recommended several recommendations, including: to provide intensive courses of technical guidance on the merits and uses of the Teams program and how it employs scientific material, and to hold regular meetings to look at the reality of the applied curricula and their suitability for Teams and other education programs.

Keywords: Directions, Teachers, Arabic, Kuwait, Middle School, Teams, Corona Pandemic

Bandar Manshed Mohammad AL DHAFEERI, Graduate researcher in general curricula and teaching methods, Ongoing Arabic Language Teacher, Ministry of Education – KUWAIT

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