الخميس , أبريل 25 2024

العدد الرابع عشر

The role of social environmental factors on efficiency rising at service institutions at East Darfur State – Sudan

دور العوامل البيئية الاجتماعية في رفع كفاءة المؤسسات الخدمية ــ ولاية شرق دارفور ـــ السودان The study aimed to identify the role of social environmental factors in rising service institutions efficiency in east Darfur state – Sudan and the problem was the weakness of the role played by social environmental factors …

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The tasks of the administrative leader between effectiveness and limited performance

مهام القائد الإداري بين الفعالية ومحدودية الأداء This research talks about administrative leadership and its role in improving work outcomes. At first, we talk about the concept of administrative leadership, as well as the extent of its importance to business success. Sound leadership provides a stable environment for the continuation …

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School management patterns prevailing in Arab secondary schools in Abeche

A Field Study أنماط الإدارة المدرسية السائدة في المدارس الثانوية العربية بمدينة أبشة ـ دراسة ميدانية ـ The study aimed to know the patterns of be prevalent school management in Arabic Secondary Schools in Abeche. From the views of the female and male teachers, the researcher followed the descriptive approach …

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Ruling on Imitation and Following

Analytical Inductive Study حــــكــــم التــــقــــلـيــــد والاتِّــــــبــــــــاع دراسة استقرائية تحليلية This research is summarized in explaining the reality of imitation and that it entails what is considered despicable and what is said to be not reprehended, the difference between imitation and following is vividly explained, furthermore, the obligatory mandate on individuals …

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The Peace Contract: Its Contemporary Provisions and Applications

A modern and authentic jurisprudence study عقد السلم أحكامه وتطبيقاته المعاصرة دراسة فقهية حديثية تأصيلية The peace contract is one of the topics that are directly related to the economic life of the human being and its strength. The research concluded a number of results, including: 1- The experience of …

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The semantic development of the term Al-Hasan according to scholar of Hadiiths

Critical Inductive Study التطور الدلالي لمصطلح الحسن عند المحدثين دراسة استقرائية نقدية This research aims to investigate the semantic development of the term Al-Hassan according to scholars of Hadiiths by demonstrating the conceptual development of the semantic term and working on reviewing the contemporary semantic development factors with appropriate usages …

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The efficiency of the administrative mechanisms in Islamic banks is a catalyst for their resilience in the face of the global financial crisis

نجاعة الآليات الإدارية في البنوك الإسلامية عامل مساعد لصمودها أمام الأزمة المالية العالمية Numerous studies have proven the resilience of Islamic banks in the face of the economic crisis that struck the American banking sector in the beginning, which affected, to varying degrees, European banks and other banks around the …

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The impact of applying change strategies in supporting the continuous improvement process in organizations

دراسة حالة: بنك الخرطوم فرعي سوبا شرق والعيلفون. أثر تطبيق استراتيجيات التغيير في دعم عملية التحسين المستمر بالمنظمات دراسة حالة: بنك الخرطوم فرعي سوبا شرق والعيلفون. The study aimed to know the impact of the application of change strategies in the continuous improvement process, an applied study on the Bank …

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Resources and the problem of achieving development in the community of Sidi Taibi- Morocco

الموارد وإشكالية تحقيق التنمية بجماعة سيدي الطيبي-المغرب The Sidi Taibi commune was known to emigrate from neighboring towns, as a suburb of Rabat, Salé and Kenitra, accompanied by investments in the real estate, agricultural and industrial fields, which had a negative impact on the environment, due to the ‘demographic evolution. …

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