السبت , أبريل 27 2024

Drafting an Arbitration Agreement Stipulation Regarding state contracts in accordance with the provisions of Libyan law

صياغة شرط اتفاق التحكيمفي عقود الدولة وفقًا لأحكام القانون الليبي The Libyan law allows for arbitration exclusively in administrative contracts of an international character, thus; the agreement of the parties in the arbitration clause shall implies an express departure from the exclusive jurisdiction of the judiciary; Therefore, it does not …

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Relations between Morocco and the United States of America: Reality and Prospects

العلاقات بين المغرب والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: الواقع والآفاق This research seeks to explore the arc in the Moroccan-American relations that extend for centuries, where the two countries experienced several historical situations and experiences, due to the fluctuations and transformations that the international and regional scene has known over the years, …

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Water Education in the Islamic Approach And the effects of its application in treating the water problem

التربية المائيـة في المنهج الإسلامـي وآثار تطبيقها في معالجة مشكلة المياه The research aimed to show water education in the Islamic curriculum, in terms of concept, importance, foundations, goals, and the good effects of its application in addressing the water problem. This education seeks to improve the relationship of community …

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Teaching translation by distance learning “Benefits and Limitations”

Nowadays we witness significant shifts in translation pedagogy affecting teaching methodology as well as the function and role of instructor and learner. One of the recent shifts in translation didactics has resulted from the Covid-19 outbreak which has brought new challenges on translation teaching and learning modes. The present paper …

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The levels of Obesity among people with type 2 diabetes and Hypertension in Palestine and its relationship to smoking and age in Palestine

مستوى السمنة لدى مرضى السكري النوع الثاني والضغط في فلسطين وعلاقتها بالتدخين والعمر The study aimed to identify the levels of obesity among people with type 2 diabetes and hypertension in Palestine and its relationship to smoking and aging in Palestine. The study was conducted on a sample of (210) …

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Paper press in Mauritania

الصحافة الورقية في موريتانيا The Mauritanian written press has gone through several stages during its historical journey and has not been isolated from the political situation of the country, but has been subject to its perception of what His Majesty should be, since its appearance during the French colonization of …

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Allal El Fassi’s attempt at putting into practice the concept of freedom

الاجتهاد التنزيلي لمفهوم الحرية عند الأستاذ علال الفاسي The concept of freedom is one of the causes that has ever preoccupied the world’s thinkers. Allal El Fassi is one such thinker who subjected it to study and research, both theoretically in his book “The Purposes of Sharia”, and empirically in …

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