أخبار عاجلة

Water Education in the Islamic Approach And the effects of its application in treating the water problem

التربية المائيـة في المنهج الإسلامـي وآثار تطبيقها في معالجة مشكلة المياه

The research aimed to show water education in the Islamic curriculum, in terms of concept, importance, foundations, goals, and the good effects of its application in addressing the water problem. This education seeks to improve the relationship of community members with water resources and prepare the person in all stages of his development by developing his cognitive, emotional, and skill aspects; To help benefit from it and develop its resources” and to improve his behavior towards water in accordance with the legal foundations and the Islamic conception, education in the general abstract concept: “Attaining a thing to its perfection step by step.” Based on the previous principle, the human being is between three components of mandate towards water, which are obligation, responsibility and penalty. The researcher recommended the descriptive analytical approach, and concluded that the effects of this education are good in dealing with the water problem, which confirms its importance and the urgent need for its application.

Keywords: Water Education; Water; Obligation, Responsibility and penalty; cognitive goals; skill goals.

Khalid MIMID, Researcher at Sorbonne 1 University of Paris, Department of History of Religions – FRANCE

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