البحرية البيزنطيةالنشأة والتطور بين القرنين السابع والعاشر الميلاديين
The research sheds light on the Byzantine Navy; Being one of the two wings of the military force and supporting the land army in defending the empire and raising its status. The first roots of the Themata system, which is primarily a defensive system, go back to the era of Emperor Heraclius (610-641 AD), who established this system to confront the Persian and Islamic dangers. The first Byzantine sea outpost was the Carabisiani outpost, which Emperor Leo III the Isaurian (717-741 AD) decided, in the midst of his naval reforms, to dissolve his command, after it deviated from the goal entrusted to it. And the Aegean Sea outpost, and then there became a third marine outpost in the ninth century AD, which is the Samos outpost. In all cases, the marine outposts did not differ in administrative and military aspects from their land counterparts, and their sources of support and fleet units varied, and played an important role in the history of the Byzantine state and all matters This study dealt with it in one way or another.
Keywords: Themata, Carabisiani, Kibyrrhaeot, Dodecanese, Samos.
Dr. Hanie Abdel Hadi EL BASHIR, Professor of medieval history, College of Arts – Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, Dammam – KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA