أخبار عاجلة

English for Criminology Cadets at Al Istiqlal University: Needs and Challenges

The purpose of this research is to identify Criminology and Forensics cadets’ needs and challenges in studying the English language at Al Istiqlal University, Department of Criminology. It also sought to determine if gender and proficiency influence their needs and challenges in learning the English language. The sample consisted of 70 cadets majoring in criminology. The researchers administered a survey of 39 items distributed to eight domains. The findings revealed that cadets in criminology and forensics did not receive any training on how to use English in the field when dealing with crime scenes. Furthermore, the resources in the English courses they had finished did not match their perceptions of their academic English requirements. In addition, the result of the study revealed that the level of both needs for basic skills and challenges was moderate. In addition, no statistically significant variations in the needs and challenges of Criminology and Forensics cadets were discovered when gender and proficiency characteristics were taken into account. Based on these findings, some recommendations were suggested.

Keywords: Need Analysis, ESP, Criminology and Forensics Cadets.

Hussam QADDUMI, Professor, Al Istiqlal University – PALESTINE

Ruzan NOFAL, Postgraduate Student, Al Istiqlal University – PALESTINE

تقييم المستخدمون: 4.7 ( 1 أصوات)

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