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Bitcoin currency its origins, concept, and challenges it faces and the position of Islamic law on it

عملة البتكوين Bitcoin نشأتها، مفهومها، التحديات التي تعترضها وموقف الشريعة الإسلامية من ذلك

The digital currencies contributed to the acceleration of transactions between the parties, and reduced the burdens of the cost of financial intermediaries, and the absence of a guarantor of the transactions that guarantees the rights of the parties. The Bitcoin currency, which is a new breed of digital currency systems based on digital encryption, revolutionizing the world of finance and business.

Bitcoin has many risks, including uncertainty/obscurity and having lack of guarantor and regulator of this currency. In addition, the high volatility of the prices may lead to huge losses, some of legal fetwa establishments have given a fetwa that it is haram or illegal to use these digital currencies.

Keyword: Bitcoin, Digital currency, risks, uncertainty/obscurity.

Dr. Mohannad Abed Aljawad Haj Hammoud, PHD in Business Administration, Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Commerce, Zaytoonah International University

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