أخبار عاجلة

Using Grammatical Connotation in Determining Meaning in the Interpretation of “Adwaa Al-Bayan”by Al-Shanqeeti

تَوْظِيفُ الدَّلَالَةِ النَّحْوِيَّةِ فِي تَحْدِيدِ الْمَعْنَى فِي تَفْسِيرِ “أَضْوَاء البَيَانِ” للشّنْقِيطِيِّ

The research studied the use of grammatical connotation in determining meaning in the interpretation of (Adwaa al-Bayan) by Al-Shanqeeti. where aimed to demonstrate harnessing of these foundations in determining meaning. It followed the descriptive approach, based on observation, analysis, incomplete induction, and the starting point of the analysis is (attribution). The research introduced Al-Shanqeeti and clarified the grammatical significance and the determiners of meaning. It also dealt with the use of the connotations of mentioning, deletion, rank, appearance, and implicitness, as well as the functions of some elements of the sentence in determining the meaning. Among what study concluded: Al-Shanqeeti built many deductions on the grammatical connotations, the most frequently mentioned is the connotation of deletion.

Keywords: The Sentence, Structures, Grammatical Connotation, Attribution, Determining of Meaning.

Salha Amer Hamed OSMAN, Department of Arabic Language, College of Languages, Sudan University of Science and Technology – SUDAN

Mohamed Daud Mohamed DAUD, Department of Arabic Language, College of Languages, Sudan University of Science and Technology – SUDAN

Majdi Ibrahim Muhammad SAFI College of Arts and Human Sciences, King Khalid University – SAUDI ARABIA; Department of Arabic Language, College of Languages, Sudan University of Science and Technology – SUDAN

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