أخبار عاجلة

Al-Ittifāqāt and Alānfrādāt According to Al-imam Al-Daylami and Al-Mawrdi in the Al-Shādhdhah Readings Through Their Interpretations of Al-Burhan, Al-Nukat and Al-Uyun – from the Beginning of Surat Yunus to the End of Surat Al-Kahf

الاتفاقات والانفرادات عند الإمامين الديلمي والماوردي في القراءات الشاذة من خلال تفسيريهما البرهان والنكت والعيون- من بداية سورة يونس إلى نهاية سورة الكهف

This research aims to define Al-imam Al-Daylami and Al-Mawrdi, stating the agreements and singularities in Irregular Qur’anic readings in their interpretations (Tafseer): (Al-Burhan, Al-Nukat, and Al-Uyoun) the importance of these two books and their sources, which both are considered as of the important sources in Tafseer.

The researcher used the inductive historical approach when defining both two imams and their two books.

The researcher used also the descriptive approach when presenting the agreements and singularities in the Irregular readings, and their style in presenting and orienting the readings.

The researcher divided the research into two sections:

First, defining Al-imam Al-Daylami and Al-Mawrdi and their two books. Second, stating the agreements and singularities in the Irregular Qur’anic readings.

The most prominent findings of the research: both Imams mentioned the Irregular readings in their explanations, yet they didn’t state their Irregular except in rarely cases.

They also oriented the Irregular Qur’anic readings, and stating its impact on the meaning and on the linguistic and interpretive aspects.

Moreover, they directed the Irregular readings using aphorisms and opinion, citing them sometimes in Arab words and poetry. As for the attribution of the Irregular readings to their readers, Imam Al-Mawardi mostly attributed them, while other Al-Daylami did not attribute it to its readers, and merely expressed it in the passive voice with the word (read).

The researcher recommended singling out the agreements and singularities of Al-Daylami and Al-Mawardi in frequent readings, and directing them through their books Al-Burhan, Al-Nukat, and Al-Uyoun, with a scientific study.

Keywords: Al-Daylami, Al-Mawardi, Agreements, Singularities, Irregular Readings.

Zohair Mohammad Hadi ALFAQEEH, PhD Student, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sana’a University – Republic of YEMEN

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