أخبار عاجلة

A study of the Chains of narration (Asnads) of Hadiths related to the number of Prophets and Messengers

دراسة أسانيد الأحادیث الواردة في عدد الأنبیاء والرسل

It is one of the beliefs of Muslims that Allah Almighty sent prophets from among their peoples and messengers to their communities. Faith in them is an important pillar of faith. Allah the Almighty has mentioned the names of some of them in the Holy Quran, and the Prophet, peace be upon him, mentioned them in his noble hadiths. He also described aspects of their attributes, conditions and news.

One of the topics related to prophets and messengers that deserves research and study is the number of prophets and messengers. Narrations have been reported from the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, in this regard.

However, scholars differed in authenticating these narrations and hadiths. Some authenticated them while others did not find them authentic. Each scholar dealt with them based on their own jurisprudential efforts, considering the differences of opinion among scholars in this issue and the division of people between those who affirm and those who withhold judgment. We found that this topic deserves research and study. So, we examined these hadiths and narrations to determine the status of each hadith in terms of strength and weakness.

The aim was to arrive at an established statement and unified view regarding the issue of the number of prophets and messengers. In summary, after research and investigation, we found that the hadiths mentioning the number of prophets as one hundred twenty four thousand are classified as Hassan by others. Some narrations regarding the number of messengers are sahih in and of themselves, while others are classified as sahih by others.

In preparing this research, we relied on referring to accredited hadith sources and books of hadith sciences, and collecting the opinions of hadith critics regarding the narrators, then analyzing and discussing them.

Keywords: Prophets, Messengers, Hadiths, Chains of Transmission, Numbers.

Qudratullah HANIF, Assistant Professor, In the Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty Shariah, Takhar University – AFGHANISTAN

Abdul Musawir BASHASH, Assistant Professor, In the Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty Shariah, Takhar University – AFGHANISTAN

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