أخبار عاجلة

Maritime arbitration as a legal means to resolve disputes arising from contracts for the international carriage of goods under the Rotterdam Convention of 2008

التحكيم البحري كوسيلة قانونية لحل المنازعات الناشئة عن عقود النقل الدولي للبضائع في ظل اتفاقية روتردام لسنة 2008

The tremendous development in technological means and international economic growth, especially in the field of international trade, has led to serious research into the role of maritime arbitration as a mechanism for settling disputes arising from maritime disputes, in order to avoid obstructing international trade on the one hand and to achieve quality services with regard to facilitating international trade, as Countries have resorted to maritime arbitration to facilitate international trade, as an international agreement was adopted for this purpose, which is the Rotterdam Convention of 200.

The research addressed the importance and role of international arbitration as an alternative and effective means of resolving disputes arising from contracts for the international transport of goods, as it touched on most of the provisions related to arbitration included in the agreement, in order to reach a maritime arbitration agreement.

It also touched on the importance of arbitration as an alternative, innovative and effective means of resolving disputes that arise between the two parties to a dispute related to maritime disputes. We devoted our research to the rules of the Rotterdam Convention, which played an important and prominent role as it included several peremptory provisions related to arbitration – it also included optional provisions, and this is out of respect for the will of the parties in choosing a place. Arbitration and the applicable law… It also imposed binding provisions to protect the weak party in the international carriage contract from arbitrary conditions that one of the parties to the contract could resort to.

Keywords: Rotterdam Convention, maritime arbitration.

ZEMAM Amal, Ph.D., Business Law, interim professor, College of LawSaeed Hamdeen , ALGERIA

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