أخبار عاجلة

In the last two decades, reviewing and researching of the literary and cultural works and developments of Nangarhar

In Afghanistan and especially in Nangarhar, the establishment of cultural societies, cultural meetings and activities have been a tradition since long ago. Around the year 2001, youth associations and institutions were established in various districts and cities of Nangarhar, where scientific meetings, debates and seminars are held on various cultural and social topics.

Thanks to these meetings, many young people turned to writing and wrote dozens of works for the enrichment of Pashto literature, and then they are printed by publishing societies in Nangarhar, and then they have reached the hands of lovers of literature.

Due to the establishment of these meetings and cultural societies, each society had its own newspapers and magazines, in which academic articles were published along with the reports of its cultural meetings. In these publications hundreds of works of authors have published and presented them to the society, which I will discuss and talk about them in this article.

Keywords: Literary Events, Seminars, Cultural Societies, Festivals, Publishing Societies, Poets, Writers, Literary Societies, Poetry.

Professor Taj Mohammad RAHIMI, Professor of Pashto Department of Panjsher Higher Education Institution – AFGHANISTAN

Professor Safiullah SAMIM, Professor of Pashto Department of Al-Biruni University – AFGHANISTAN

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