أخبار عاجلة

Separation between wife & husband due to defects in the man in Hanafi jurisprudence and Afghan civil law

التفریق بین الزوجین بسبب العیوب الموجودة فی الرجل فی الفقه الحنفي والقانون المدني الأفغاني

This humble research addresses the ruling on divorce between spouses due to defects in the husband according to Hanafi jurisprudence, comparing it to Afghan civil law. As we know, Islamic Sharia places great emphasis on the continuation of marital life and promotes tranquility, love, mercy, and family stability. However, in the case of defects that adversely affect this relationship and hinder the purpose of marriage, Hanafi jurists recognize the right of the aggrieved party to terminate the contract. Hanafi scholars also acknowledge five defects that can justify divorce: adultery, severe deformity, abuse, infertility, and impotence. There are also three other defects on which Hanafi scholars differ: insanity, leprosy, and vitiligo. Similarly, Afghan personal status laws follow Hanafi Islamic jurisprudence and also allow divorce due to defects in the husband, specifying the defects that can justify divorce. This is the subject of this article.

Keywords: Divorce between Wife & Husband, defects, Afghan personal status law, Hanafi

Dadallah BURHANI, Faculty of Education and Training, Department of Islamic Sciences and Culture, Albironi University Kapisa province – AFGHANISTAN

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