أخبار عاجلة

Grounding Creed as a Human Science: Exploring Fundamental Concepts and Future Objectives

تأصيل العقيدة كعلم إنساني: البحث عن المفاهيم الأساسية والأهداف المستقبلية

This research aims to explore the concepts and goals of grounding faith as a human science. The research endeavors to analyze the fundamentals of faith from a humanistic perspective, emphasizing the importance of understanding faith as a discipline that cares for the human and their aspirations. The research delves into the philosophical, cultural, and social aspects of grounding faith and how it can play a vital role in comprehensive human understanding and their place in the world.

This research paper discusses fundamental concepts for grounding faith as a human science, such as the concepts of belief and religion and their impact on human behavior and social relationships. It also explores future objectives for this field, seeking to understand how developing faith as a science can contribute to the comprehensive development of individuals and societies.

Using a comprehensive and analytical methodology, the research aims to shed light on the importance of grounding faith as a human science and how these studies can contribute to the advancement of humanity and its development in the contemporary world.

In conclusion, this research demonstrates the significance of studying faith as a human science, which contributes to deepening the understanding and personal, social, and spiritual development of humans.

Keywords: Grounding Faith, Human Science, Human Behavior.

M. Dr. Mohammed Salih Mahdi AL THKORY, Teaching at Imam Azam University College – Baghdad – IRAQ

تقييم المستخدمون: 1.42 ( 1 أصوات)

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