أخبار عاجلة

Istijarar sale and some of its contemporary applications

بيع الاستجرار وبعض تطبيقاته المعاصرة

The subject of the sale of traction is one of the new issues in some aspects and forms that have become popular in the modern era. This type of sale has been mentioned in ancient books and sources in general, and in recent times various articles and letters have been written about it, but some of these letters and articles suffer from two things. The first matter: lengthening, and the second being brevity. Therefore, I thought it was appropriate to write in this article an intermediate article between the two previous matters referred to. This article contained moderate writing, neither boring length nor disruptive abbreviation, as I mentioned the importance of this topic and the reasons for choosing it, and then touched on a simple introduction about Sale, then I mentioned a definition of hire sale, and I also mentioned the reason for calling this type of hire sale, then I mentioned the forms of hire sale according to the four jurisprudential schools of thought (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, Hanbali), and a statement of their opinions and theories regarding the permissibility and lack of neighborliness according to some, and the evidence for each statement, and the issue was followed. In the most correct statement, at the end of the article I touched on some contemporary applications of the sale of rent that are reality and exist in the present era, with an explanation of the ruling on each issue and application and the permissibility and impermissibility of each aspect, mentioning the sources and references that are relevant to the topic, and I appended the article with the results and an index of the list of sources and references that I benefited from during the course of the article. search. God bless and Pacific to the straight path.

Keywords: Sale, Ijtijarar, Applications, Jurists, Pictures, Contemporary.

Professor Dr. Muhammad Salim MADANI, Academic Member of Shari’ah Faculty, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Al-Bironi University – AFGHANISTAN

Asst. Prof. Abdul Qayyum QAWI, Academic Member of Shari’ah Faculty, Department of Islamic Studies, Al-Bironi University- AFGHANISTAN

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