أخبار عاجلة

Honor killings in Islamic law, A comparative jurisprudential study with Syrian law

جرائم الشرف في الشريعة الإسلامية

دراسة فقهية مقارنة مع الشريعة الإسلامية

The research talks about honor killings from its inception to the present time, in terms of its origins, the reasons that led to its emergence, the reasons that help mitigate it, the sayings of scholars about it, and then comparing it with the Syrian law,

The research consisted of an introductory chapter and four chapters.

The introductory chapter talked about research vocabulary and the history of honor killings. The first chapter deals with the causes of honor killings: custom and habit, jealousy, and preserving honor. The second chapter talked about curses and their role in reducing honor killings. The third chapter deals with the sayings of scholars regarding honor killings, whether in flagrante delicto or not, about abortion from adultery, and about marriage without witnesses. The fourth chapter talks about honor killings in Syrian law compared to Islamic law, and aspects of agreement and differences between them. The research relied on descriptive and inferential methods.

Keywords: The crime, Honor, Habit, Cursing, Abortion.

Ibrahim Khalil SAGHER, College Islamic Sciences, Al-Zahra University – SYRIA

تقييم المستخدمون: 4.46 ( 3 أصوات)

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