أخبار عاجلة

العدد الرابع والثلاثون

Problems of Translating the Omitted Possessor in the Holy Quran (A Syntactic and Semantic Study)

The study aims to specify the semantic problems in translating the deleted (possessor- Almudhaf ileihi المضاف إليه) in the Holy Qur’an. (Deleting of the possessor) is counted to be one of the rhetorical miracles in the Holy Qur’an. Arabic language scholars have set intentions and conditions for omitting in the …

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Incompetent and incapacitated and their behavior

– A study in the light of Maliki jurisprudence and the Family Code” عديمو وناقصو الأهلية وتصرفاتهم دراسة في ضوء الفقه المالكي ومدونة الأسرة This research aims to control the difference between the incompetent and the incapacitated, and to find out their necessary or correct and unnecessary actions jurisprudence and …

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Investigating the Quranic stories in the poems of Mir Bahadur Wasifi

(The story of the creation of Adam (pbuh) and the Ascension of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) as an example) دراســة القصص القرآنیة فــي أشـعـــار میـر بــهـــادر واصـــفـي (قصة خلق آدم – علیه السلام – ومعراج النبي – صلی الله علیه وسلم – أنموذجًا) Knowing the stories means knowing the origin …

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The role of microfinance institutions in achieving economic development

An applied study, East Darfur state أثر مؤسسات التمويل الأصغر في تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية دراسة تحليلية مؤسسة التمويل الأصغر ولاية شرق دارفور The study aimed to identify the role of the capabilities of microfinance institutions in raising the effectiveness of microfinance projects and the extent of their contribution to the …

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The role of Islamic banks in achieving financial inclusion in society: Algeria as a model

دور البنوك الإسلامية في تحقيق الشمول المالي مجتمعيا: الجزائر نموذجا This study aims to introduce the concept of financial inclusion, which is considered one of the best means to achieve financial and economic stability because of its positive repercussions on economic growth and the rotation of the economy from recession …

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The theory of social capital and its role in times of societal crises

analytical-critical study نظرية رأس المال الاجتماعي ودوره في وقت الأزمات المجتمعية (دراسة تحليلية – نقدية) The research aims to study and analyse the concept of social capital by clarifying its nature, characteristics, functions, sources of formation and obstacles to its growth in the social reality, in addition to knowing its …

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Fanaticism and its effects in the Afghan society

العصبیة وآثارها في المجتمع الأفغانیة The most prominent discussion of this research is to address a reprehensible matter, which is fanaticism, because political, sectarian, and ethnic fanaticism has led the people and sects in Afghanistan to violate some holy commandments, such as insulting, cursing, stabbing, atonement, and killing. God and …

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The reality of spaces and heritage facilities in the old city of Tetouan

واقع الفضاءات والمرافق التراثية بالمدينة العتيقة بتطوان We attempted through this study to shed light on the heritage spaces in the old city of Tetouan, in terms of qualitative and quantitative inventory and description. This is because they are a cultural heritage that the city of Tetouan enjoys, and a …

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The Reality of Applying Total Quality in Sudanese University Libraries

واقع تطبيق الجودة الشاملة في المكتبات الجامعية السودانية The study deals with the reality of applying total quality in Sudanese university libraries. With the aim of identifying the reality of applying total quality in those libraries, after total quality has become closely linked to university libraries due to its benefits …

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Key Features of the classical Arab thought on translation

ملامح الفكر العربي القديم عن الترجمة Did the literary figures of classical Arabic literature participate in the theoretical discourse on translation? Can we find their theoretical insights in their encyclopedic works which enriched the Arabic library during the golden period of translation and Arab-Islamic culture? A sufficient corpus of research …

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