أخبار عاجلة

Investigating the Quranic stories in the poems of Mir Bahadur Wasifi

(The story of the creation of Adam (pbuh) and the Ascension of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) as an example)

دراســة القصص القرآنیة فــي أشـعـــار میـر بــهـــادر واصـــفـي

(قصة خلق آدم – علیه السلام – ومعراج النبي – صلی الله علیه وسلم – أنموذجًا)

Knowing the stories means knowing the origin of things and knowing how they were created. Stories have attracted the attention of historians and writers since ancient times. Despite the fact that the roots of knowledge of stories and legends go back before Islam. The existence and emergence of stories are related to the existence and emergence of people and their lives. Writers of fiction literature from the period of ignorance have given great value and importance to this technique and defined the importance of stories in human sciences and human life. This literary technique has also attracted the attention of poets and writers. Poets have added to the richness of literature by using fictional themes and have kept this literary art alive. In this article, we examined the Quranic stories in the poems of Mir Bahadur Wasifi, a contemporary poet of Afghanistan, and ended our research by relying on the story of the creation of Adam (pbuh) and the ascension of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), who are the first and last prophets. In this way, we have introduced the stories of the prophets in the poems of this contemporary poet of Persian literature.

Keywords: Fictional Literature, Quranic Stories, Poetry, Mir Bahadur Wasifi.

Abdul Aziz WAIZ, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Language and Literature, Department of Arabic Al-Biruni University, Kapisa province – AFGHANISTAN

Mir Ahmad khusraw WASIFI, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Language and Literature, Department of Farsi, Al-Biruni University, Kapisa province – AFGHANISTAN

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