أخبار عاجلة

The legal ruling on eating imported meat

الحكم الشرعي لأكل اللحوم المستوردة

Almighty Allah permit the consumption of certain animal meats, yet consumption is only permissible following proper slaughter or hunting. Islamic jurisprudence delineates the methods of slaughter and imposes principles, regulations, and etiquettes to be adhered to. To deem animal meat fit for consumption, its life must be ended by severing the oesophagus, trachea, and major arteries. The slaughtering instrument must be sharp and designated for this purpose, excluding teeth and nails. Invocation of Almighty Allah is mandatory at the moment of slaughter, and the slaughterer must meet the criteria of being either Muslim or People of the Book. Consumption of meat is prohibited unless the aforementioned conditions are met. And the research relied on the descriptive analytical method.

The fulfilment of these conditions in meat imported from non-Muslim countries poses a challenge. Consequently, contemporary scholars diverge on the permissibility of consuming such meat. Some assert that consumption is impermissible unless the conditions are visually confirmed at the time of slaughter or through reliable reports. Others argue that consumption is permissible if the meat originates from a country with a majority population of the People of the Book or if labelled as halal. There are also proponents who claim that anything consumed by the People of the Book is permissible without regard for the conditions of lawful slaughter. Each faction presents evidence to support their stance, engaging in debates with opposing views. This study encapsulates the necessary elucidation of the subject matter.

It has been concluded that consuming meat imported from Islamic countries is permissible without strict adherence to the conditions of slaughter, as these countries adhere to Islamic practices in slaughtering. However, consuming meat imported from non-Muslim and non-People of the Book countries is impermissible unless it is verified that the animal was slaughtered in accordance with legal procedures, either through visual confirmation or reliable testimony. Regarding meat imported from countries predominantly inhabited by the People of the Book, there exists a discrepancy in the permissibility of consumption. Given the contentious nature of the issue, prudence dictates abstaining from definitive conclusions and exercising caution, while refraining from censure or defamation against those holding differing opinions.

Keywords: Imported Meat, Slaughter, Eligibility of the Slaughterer, Invocation at Slaughter, People of the Book.

Dr. Shir Ali ZARIFI

Chancellor, Dawah University, Kabul – AFGHANISTAN

Ph.D. in Sharia, International Islamic University, Islamabad – PAKISTAN

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