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Repetition and its effect on textual consistency in examples of Ibn Zaydoun’s Andalusian poetry

التّكرارُ وأثرُه في الاتّساقِ النَّصِّيِّ في نماذجَ من شِعرِ ابنِ زيدون الأندلسيّ

All the critics agreed that repetition in poetry is one of the most important stylistic phenomena. These phenomena serve and strengthen the poetic text and enhance its connotation. They also help the recipient to reach the hidden connotations or dimensions that the poet made using his wit and creativity, keeping the listener or the reader in a state of intense curiosity. The main purpose of the poet is to motivate the reader and to attract his attention to notice the repeated stylistic phenomenon with its close connection in the meaning that the poet seeks to reach. Here, the role of the recipient begins as he starts searching and investigating about the repeated style in order to satisfy his curiosity and to achieve the poet’s purpose In fact, this phenomenon isn’t new in our Arabic poetry because it has accompanied poetry since its inception, from Pre_Islamic era till the contemporary and modern one. Therefore the researchers and critics explained, analyzed and applicate it in details.

   Repetition has a remarkable and elegant connotations that strengthen the poetic, stylistic and rhetorical discourse. Therefore, repetition needs a professional poet with ability to employ it in his poetic discourse. If not, repetition would transformed poorly Hence, I’m going to make a study about repetition of a creative poet who has made his way among the greatest poets of his time as well as the poets of Arabic poetry . Our poet is known as Ibn Zaydun. He was famous as Arab Andalusian poet. The reader of Ibn Zaydun’s diwan will notice his creativity, especially the phenomenon of repetition will be obviously seen as the reader starts reading. Hence, I feel as this state wasn’t discussed successfully in the works of this master poet. Therefore, I’ve made a brief research about this phenomenon because it deserves to be discussed and explained well in order to contemplate its beauty So, I’ll explain, analyze and deduce it accurately. My own study will be confined to the aesthetics of repetition in many patterns of his poems. These patterns served the poem. Of course, the poet succeeded in employing them for the favor of his poetic discourse. I’ve started with an introduction of the search. Then, I introduced a summary about the life of Ibn Zaydun after I’ve explained the phenomenon of repetition both in lexical and contextual Meaning. In addition, I talked about the opinions of critics of this phenomenon. After that I’ve made an analyzed study of repetition in various examples of Ibn Zaydun’s poetry in which I tried to show the elegance of repetition that it contains .Finally, I’ve finished my research with the most important results that our study succeeded to find

Keywords: Ibn Zaydun, Repetition, Confirm meaning, Chanting.

Ahmed AVDE, Postgraduate student, Institute of Living Languages, Mardin Artaklu University – TÜRKİYE

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