أخبار عاجلة

Cultural Patterns in Greater Dream by AL-Wahrani

الأنساقُ الثَّقافيَّةُ في المَنامةِ الكُبرَى لِلوَهرانِيِّ

The research aims to read Al-Wahrani’s The Great Manama (The Manama on the Day of Resurrection) in a way that is subject to the standards of the cultural criticism approach that was announced by the Western critic (Vincent Leach) at the end of the last century, and whose pillars were supported in the Arab world by the Saudi critic (Abdullah Al-Ghadhami) at the beginning of the current century, where cultural patterns were Its clashing receptions between critics and writers, including acceptance, rejection, debates, and connections with other approaches to literary criticism that belong to critical modernity and beyond. The research sought to uncover the cultural patterns followed by Al-Wahrani in his prose speech to Manama.

Al-Wahrani created the art of literary dreams for his own ends. He included in his prose legacy three dreams that were predominantly narrative in their narrative structure. The research attempted to explore the implications of the literary discourse in these dreams, while trying to investigate the most important cultural patterns in them and their literary and artistic aspects that emerged from their quiver. Al-Wahrani to his surroundings. The research adopted the critical method.

Keywords: Cultural Patterns, Greater Dream, Al-Wahrani.

Selman ALFERHAN, Yüksek Lisans, Öğrencis, Arap Dilli ve Kültürü, Bölümü, Yaşayan Diller Enstitüsü, MARDİN ARTUKLU ÜNIVERSITESi – TÜRKİYE

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