أخبار عاجلة

العدد الثامن والأربعون

Ibn Al-Mulqin and Important Fiqh Principles That Have Not Been Covered by a Detailed Study of The Principles

ابن الملقن والقواعد الفقهية المهمة التي لم ينص عليها دراسة تفصيليه للقواعد Islamic jurisprudence principles play a crucial role in Islamic law, with many scholars, including Ibn al-Malqan, meticulously attending to them, organizing and eloquently articulating them. However, Ibn al-Malqan did not address all principles explicitly. Here, I highlight some. …

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Destiny between supplication and Fate

القدر بين الدعاء والقضاء The researcher’s presentation of supplication and its importance in Islamic law, the significance of supplication on servitude as well as on faith and its increase, and the relationship between supplication and the answer to what is requested. Supplication is the true worship that indicates that the …

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Investigating the Issues of Differences in Omission, Addition, Precedence, and Succession in the Seven Letters According to Scholars

تحقيق مسألتي الاختلاف بالنقص والزيادة والتقديم والتأخير – في الأحرف السبعة عند العلماء The topic of the seven letters in which the Quran was revealed is considered one of the significant and intricate subjects that has sparked extensive debate and numerous opinions, making it complex and obscure in the minds …

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The right to divorce from the point of view of Islam and its negative effects on the Afghan society

حق الطلاق في ضوء الإسلام وآثاره السلبية على المجتمع الأفغاني In this study, the right to divorce and the reasons for using this right in the Afghan society, the causes of divorce and its negative social and moral effects on the society have been investigated in the light of the …

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The Virtue of Loving Medina and Its Positive Effects

فضل محبة المدينة المنورة وآثارها الصحيحة This study elucidates the virtue of Medina and the significance of loving it, as well as the merits of living and dying in the city. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his esteemed companions (may God be pleased with them), the imams of …

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Utilizing Modern Communication Means for Announcing Lost

تطور الوسائل واعلام اللقطة عبرها حسب الشريعة الإسلامية In today’s era of technological advancement and the emergence of communication tools connecting individuals and communities online, this research aims to shed light on the potential employment of modern communication means in defining and announcing lost items. Consequently, facilitate the return of …

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The effect of incentives on improving the quality of innovation, a field case study, Al Bayan Educational Foundation

تأثير الحوافز على تحسين جودة الابتكار دراسة حالة ميدانية مؤسسة البيان التعليمية This research endeavors to study the impact of incentives on performance quality in modern work environments. In an era of rapid and continuous changes across all domains, particularly in work settings, organizations face novel challenges that necessitate adaptation …

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The Relationship of Human Resources and International Marketing to Maximizing and Flowing Foreign Investment

علاقة الموارد البشرية والتسويق الدولي بتعظيم وتدفق الاستثمار الأجنبي This study aims to understand the importance of integrating human resources and international marketing strategies in maximizing the flow of foreign investment. Existing literature and theories related to the topic were analyzed and the relationships and interactions between different variables were …

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Sports in public schools in Akkar Governorate: Reality and hope

الرياضة في المدارس الرسمية في محافظة عكار:واقع ومرتجى In this research, the researcher explained the meaning of education generally and then explained the notion of physical education specifically relying on definitions and explanations of several intellects, educators and philosophers concerned in this field. He also studied thoroughly the grounds of …

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Organizational Conflict in Volunteer Work

الصراع التنظيمي في العمل التطوعي This study aimed to understand the impact of intra-individual and inter-group conflict on volunteer work, using ANOVA analysis on a sample of volunteers. The results showed a statistically significant relationship between intra-individual conflict and commitment/performance in volunteer work, along with a negative effect of inter-group …

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