أبو سعد عبد الكريم بن أبي بكر محمد بن منصور السمعاني (ت 562هـ/1166م)
This modest study deals with the biography of one of the most prominent scholars of the Islamic East in the sixth century AH/twelfth century AD, who is Taj al-Islam Abu Saad Abdul Karim bin Abi Bakr Muhammad bin Mansur al-Sama’ani (d. 562 AH/1166 AD). Similar to many studies; This study shed light on Al-Samani’s lineage and titles, his upbringing and family, his travels, his works, his sheikhs, his students, and other matters. In addition, the study examined Abu Saad’s position on the followers of different schools of jurisprudence, such as the Hanafi and Hanbali schools, and on the followers of opposing religious schools of thought, such as the Shiites and Mu’tazilites, and on women. Likewise, the study talked about the extent to which later scholars, including his companions, including the Shafi’is and others, relied on Al-Samani’s writings and quoted from him. Among the findings of the study is that Abu Saad was from a family whose members were mostly masters and masters of knowledge, and that he spent most of his life traveling in pursuit of knowledge, until he gathered among the sheikhs of knowledge that no one had met before him. Abu Saad Al-Samani wrote many books on various sciences and arts, but most of his books were lost and only a few of them remain. One of the beautiful findings of the study is that Al-Sam’ani had a high degree of sectarian tolerance and openness to those of different sects, despite his being one of the heads of the Shafi’is. What indicates his high scientific standing and the trust of scholars in him is that the scholars of his time and those who came after him from various schools of jurisprudence and intellectual walks relied on him and drew from him.
Keywords: Abu Saad Al-Sama’ani, Merv, the sixth century AH/twelfth century AD, Journey, Scholars.
Khalid AbdALLAH ALSAID, Doctoral student” Department of History” College of Humanities and Social Sciences” King Saud University – Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA