أخبار عاجلة

Ways to Prevent the Occurrence of Heresy in Islamic Society in the Light of Prophetic Hadiths

Obeying and following the way of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) leads to the happiness and prosperity of the world and the hereafter of the Muslims. On the other hand, disobeying and not following the way of the Prophet of Islam has various consequences. One of its dangerous consequences is Innovation (Bid’ah) and deviations being embraced by individuals of the society, which in turn cause the destruction and annihilation of the Islamic society. Therefore, following the prophetic Sunnah and method and avoiding deviations and innovations from the beginning of Islam until today, has always been considered and emphasized by the religious texts and the sayings and recommendations of religious scholars. Therefore, in this issue, recognizing the ways to prevent the occurrence of innovation in the Islamic society in the light of the prophetic hadiths has been intensively discussed and researched.

Keywords: Ways, Innovation, Islamic Society, Hadiths.

Prof. Sayed Sebghatullah IBRAHIMI, Member of Academic Cadre Department of Islamic Education, Faculty of Sharia, University of Ghazni – AFGHANISTAN

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