أخبار عاجلة

Human dignity in the light of Sharia

كرامة الانسان في ضوء الشريعة الاسلامية

This is the short information about the topic, by the name of (dignity of human in the light of Quraan and Sunnah). It includes, preface, and all aspects that belong to preface, we know that Islam always guide as for goodness actions, Almighty Allah also mention that we, create Human in best ways, and we give him best dignity, then Sunnah also mentioned that Human is the best creature of Allah, all these characteristics become push to me to write this topic, I elaborate all the angels of this topic in next pages, I brightly approve it from main resources of Sharia that human have special dignity and position among other creatures, in nature.

          As we know that human is the nice and outstanding creature of Allah, regarding of this point Allah give it a high position and special dignity, to have control over all other nature and use from them to his benefit, so all the Quran and Sunnah, messages are about the personality of human and his right. In this topic I want to fully elaborate and illustrate all the angle of human dignity.

Keywords: Dignity, Humankind, Types, Interpretation, Quran, Sunnah.

Sibghatullah JALILI, Sharia College, Department of Islamic Education, Al-Biruni University, Kapisa Province – AFGHANISTAN

Sibghatullah GHAYATHI, Sharia College, Department of Islamic Education, Al-Biruni University, Kapisa Province – AFGHANISTAN

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