أخبار عاجلة

Toward a Descriptive and Explanatory Theory for the Phenomenon of Lexical Stress in the Arabic Language

نحو نظرية وصفية وتفسيرية لظاهرة نبر اللّفظ في اللغة العربية

The description of the phenomenon of vocal stress in Arabic has attracted the interest of many researchers, however, the explanation of this phenomenon – that is, why it is as it is and not otherwise – has not received any attention. This research aims to build a theory to explain the phenomenon of stress at the word level in Arabic, based on the assumption that stress is a phonetic, phonological, and morphological phenomenon at the same time. To prove this, we adopted a physical experimental methodology to study the evolution of the variables of elongation, attenuation, nunation, and syllabic structure in relation to stress. We consider all these phenomena to be phonetic, phonological, and morphological in nature at the same time. The study required the definition of two concepts to explain the phenomenon of stress. The first is “linear effort” and the second is “return vowel”. The concept of linear effort is based on the fact that the air stock during the phonetic realization of a speech decreases linearly in parallel with the flow of speech over time. While the concept of return vowel is based on the fact that the origin of the speech structure is that each consonant is followed by a vowel, and deviating from this principle, the vowel after attenuation has more energy due to the return of the original deleted vowel. The research resulted in the conclusion that the determination of stress is based on the interaction of the mentioned variables according to a hierarchical principle as follows:

Return vowel > Elongation > Linear Effort > Nunation.

Keywords: Phonetic stress, empirical validation, Syllabic structure, Return vowel, Linear effort, Principle of Hierarchy, Air stock, Interaction of variables.

Salim RAMI, Habilitated Professor in Computational Linguistics, Multidisciplinary Faculty of Safi, Qadi Ayyad University – MOROCCO

تقييم المستخدمون: 4.54 ( 14 أصوات)

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