أخبار عاجلة

The contribution of oasis women to territorial development, women’s cooperative work in the Mzquita Oasis – Morocco

إسهام المرأة الواحية في التنمية الترابية، العمل التعاوني النسوي بواحة مزكيطة نموذجا –المغرب-

Rural women in Daraa constitute an effective tool in achieving the process of economic and social development at the local level, but their status is still characterized by a set of shortcomings that do not respond to the minimum standards of recognition of the latter for their developmental tasks, which resulted in thinking about a set of policies to restore Taking into consideration the rural woman and considering her an essential link in the economic and social development cycles in the oasis area, just as women in the area of ​​the central Daraa Oasis have assumed important roles in the development field, and take leadership levels in their attempt to disengage from the grassroots, and thus move away from the sites of marginalization and deprivation and thus contribute to the definition of the local heritage area and to achieve territorial development.Keywords: Rural women, Oasis, Genre Approach, Territorial Development.

AIT HAMMOU Mohamed, Doctoral research student at Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah University, Faculty of Arts, Fez Sais – MOROCCO

تقييم المستخدمون: 0.54 ( 1 أصوات)

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