أخبار عاجلة

The tasks of the administrative leader between effectiveness and limited performance

مهام القائد الإداري بين الفعالية ومحدودية الأداء

This research talks about administrative leadership and its role in improving work outcomes. At first, we talk about the concept of administrative leadership, as well as the extent of its importance to business success. Sound leadership provides a stable environment for the continuation of activity as well as its improvement. We also learn about the intellectual theories that frame the role of leadership in Administrative work, and then we get to know the leadership behavior as well as the functions performed by the leader towards his subordinates, with regard to leadership behavior, it varies from one leader to another, which is what we analyze extensively in this research. Managing, hiring, directing and controlling.

In the second section of this research, we talk about administrative effectiveness and the characteristics of a successful leader, and we explain the concept of administrative effectiveness, is it achieving goals and measuring them calls for looking at a set of overlapping factors, and in the framework of identifying a successful leader, we will analyze the components of his personality, his qualities, His confidence in himself and in others and his care for them, to other qualities and characteristics that help create a work atmosphere on the one hand productivity and on the other hand take into account the human aspects. In return, we learn about the characteristics of a failed leader who only cares about himself and casts his failure on the backs of others.

At the end of the research, we touch the manifestations of limited administrative performance and the negative aspects that characterize it, and the repeated attempts at reform that always fail.

Keywords: Administrative Leader, Management Performance, Management Effectiveness, Successful Leadership, Failed Driving, Performance Limitations.

BENGHALEB Sofiane, Hassan I University Settat – MOROCCO

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