الأبعاد الاستراتيجية لعلاقات السودان الخارجية
قراءة في التجارب والتحديات الإقليمية والدولية في عهد حكومة الإنقاذ (2010-2018)
This research considered the strategic relations of Sudan with regional countries and beyond during the factions within the period of the Salvation government. It also showed that the political quarrels among the Islamic Movement on how to design the general scope and settings for Sudan’s external policy, with its requirements at all levels. The research used a semi-empirical method and also a descriptive method to study the foreign policy of Sudan (2010-2018) including experiences and challenges. It basically explained the international relations which characterized the policy bargain between countries. The findings of the research are that, although Sudan during the period covered by the present study, Sudan’s external relations confronted with several challenges especially so in then. Prevailing situation characterized by the diplomatic confrontations among the major countries. Although Sudan’s government kept carefully monitoring that situation to maintain careful steering amid those challenges, yet the country couldn’t quite successfully develop an external policy with an effective strategic dimension both regionally as well as internationally. The most notable recommendations in the paper also refer to the fact that Sudan should have adopted a more balanced policy so as to maintain the country’s own political stability, and to share benefits with its external partners.
Keywords: Sudan, Strategic, External Relations, Salvation Government.
Hassan Hamid MUSHIEKA, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Khartoum – SUDAN