أخبار عاجلة

Legal and regulatory protection of consumer rights

الحماية القانونية والرقابية لحقوق المستهلك

The research aims to extend legal protection to the consumer who is targeted by various marketing means, the most important of which is commercial advertisements to attract him to contract, as commercial advertising is not considered the only means of marketing, and illegal advertisements have different images. But there is no problem if the advertisement is real, rather it is considered useful in introducing the consumer to the product he needs and compares it with other products and chooses the most suitable one.

But if the marketing method is not real in any of the commodity data, then herein lies the danger, as the consumer is harmed by the commodity that is not identical to the one advertised, and misses the opportunity to buy the product that is suitable for him, and makes him prey to entering into a contract for a commodity that he imagines is available. It targets the consumer audience and the criteria that must be met in order for it to be judged to gain or lose legitimacy. It has followed the analytical approach of the Egyptian Consumer Protection Law No. 181 of 2018 and the Suppression of Fraud and Fraud Law No. 48 of 1941 amended by Law No. 281 of 1994.

As well as determining the legal implications of the contract that was based on illegal marketing methods, and discussing the existing legal means for consumer protection (civil, administrative, and criminal) and their adequacy, as well as the role of state agencies (Consumer Protection Agency) and the penalties imposed on violators.

The topic of research is of great importance due to the presence of many companies that use attractive advertising methods in order to reach the largest number of customers, but they often contract with their marketers with a percentage of sales system, which leads them to reach a large number of customers and insist on pursuing them until the process is completed. Contracting.

Keywords: Consumer, Censorship, Misleading ads, Marketing, Illicit.

Mohamed SHOIEB, Associate Professor of Private Law, Director of Academic Affairs, Gulf Colleges – KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA

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