أخبار عاجلة

The role of social environmental factors on efficiency rising at service institutions at East Darfur State – Sudan

دور العوامل البيئية الاجتماعية في رفع كفاءة المؤسسات الخدمية ــ ولاية شرق دارفور ـــ السودان

The study aimed to identify the role of social environmental factors in rising service institutions efficiency in east Darfur state – Sudan and the problem was the weakness of the role played by social environmental factors in rising service institutions efficiency and the study community was represented in all service institutions in the state the study followed the descriptive analytical approach and tested one hypothesis there is statistically relationship between social environmental factors and service institutions efficiency the study reached a number of important findings the social values as faithful and punctuality effect on service institutions efficiency social traditions effect on service institutions efficiency the study recommend the necessity of paying attention for social responsibility and respect customers and providing good service.

Keywords: Social Environmental Factors, Efficiency, Service Institutions.

Hamed Abd Allah IBRAHIM, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, El Daein University – SUDAN

Issa Matar Mammon MASUOOD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, El Daein University – SUDAN

Khalid Ibrahim HMDAN, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, El Daein University – SUDAN

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