أخبار عاجلة

The Jurisprudential Perspective on Family Planning in Islam

الحكم الشرعي لتنظيم الأسرة

The subject of the research is family planning, which is the planning of the quantity of children and the period between births by the couple (father and mother), and the work to implement this planning.

The importance of the research is that family planning affects the health of the mother and children, and how to raise children, and the economic structure of the family and the country. A moderate increase in the population preserves these matters, and a cancerous increase in the population of the earth destroys them. Moreover, neglecting reproduction leads to the extinction of mankind or the emergence of problems in providing human resources.

The problem of the research is that the ruling on family planning and the disposition of the quantity of children and the time of birth has been complicated, due to the occurrence of two types of hadiths on the legitimacy of withdrawal (coitus interrupts) – which was the only way in the past to prevent pregnancy and dispose of the time of birth -: The first type indicates the prevention of withdrawal, and the second on its permissibility. The research methodology is analytical and descriptive, in which we refer to libraries and to the books considered from interpretation, hadith commentaries, jurisprudence of the four schools of thought, and to the opinions of contemporary scholars on new issues.

The results of the research are as follows:

1- The majority of scholars agreed on the permissibility of withdrawal with the consent of the spouses. The late Hanafi and Shafi’i jurists permitted the prevention of pregnancy by the design of one of the spouses without the consent of the other due to the change of time and the need of people.

2- Contemporary scholars have equated the adoption of new methods of birth control, such as taking medications or inserting an IUD into the uterus, with withdrawal, provided that it is recommended by specialized doctors.

3- Family planning has legitimate goals that Muslims must take into account, including preserving the health of the mother and child, being able to raise children in a healthy manner, being able to provide for the needs of the children, and taking care of the proportion between resources and expenses at the level of the family and the country.

4- Planning for family planning varies depending on the surrounding circumstances of the individual and the country. It is not denied that planning to increase or decrease children in families and countries with different circumstances and conditions is different.

5- Family planning does not contradict destiny or trust in God Almighty.

Keywords: Family Planning, Withdrawal, Contraceptive Methods, Family Planning Objectives, Trust, Discretion.

Dr. Shir Ali ZARIFI, Chancellor, Dawat University, Kabul, Ph.D. in Sharia, International Islamic University, Islamabad, PAKISTAN

Postal Address: Dr. Shir Ali Zarifi Dawat University Sarke Qambar, 5th District Kabul, Afghanistan

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