أخبار عاجلة

The level of psychological security among adolescents of children of divorced women in the Kingdom of Bahrain in the light of some variables

مستوى الأمن النفسي لدى المراهقين من أبناء المطلقات في مملكة البحرين في ضوء بعض المتغيرات

The present study aims to explore the level of psychological security among adolescents of children of divorced women in the Kingdom of Bahrain according to some social variables and social meals with regard to participation with the father or mother and measuring the level of psychological security. The study sample consisted of (102) male and female male and female students of divorced children and (52) male and (50) female students, the social ranged from (14-18) and they were chosen by intentional means through some centers, charitable societies and knowledge of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and to achieve this purpose, the psychological security scale and the social level form were used. Status, psychological security index, social security, social security, tribal teens.

Keywords: Psychological Security, Adolescence, Children of Divorced.

Dr. Fadel Haider Mahdi ALAWI, Assistant Professor – College of Arts, University of Bahrain – Kingdom of BAHRAIN

تقييم المستخدمون: 3.72 ( 1 أصوات)

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