أخبار عاجلة

Natural geographical factors for population stability in Port Sudan

العوامل الجغرافية الطبيعية للاستقرار السكاني بمدينة بورتسودان

This study investigates the natural geographical factors of population stability in the city of Port Sudan, in order to identify the factors of natural population stability. The study adopts the descriptive, analytical and the descriptive method. For data collection, it depends on the questionnaire, interview and observation in addition to know secondary sources including books, letters and reports. The most important findings of the study are concluded in the fact that Arbaat Stream is the most important natural factor that contributes to the population stability in the study area. Also the city’s coastal location has played an important role in establishing Port Sudan harbor which contributed to the economic and social development of the population, thus it considered as one of the most important factors of population stability in the study area. The study recommends paying attention to water catchment projects so as to provides water to the population in the study area, the necessity to take advantage of marine resources to create more job opportunities and provides food security in the area and to develop the tourism sector by creating maps for tourist sites and publishing a brochure on tourism in international languages to create more population stability in the study area.

Keywords: Geographical Factors, Natural Geography, Population, Sudan, Port Sudan.

Dr. Yasser Abdel Mahmoud Hamed AL TOHAMY, Associate Professor – Department of Geography – College of Arts and Humanities – Red Sea University – SUDAN

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