أخبار عاجلة

The Formations of the First Saudi State and the Repercussions

تكوين الدولة السعودية الأولى وتداعيات الإستقلال، 1157-1199ه-1688-1744م

This study aims at shedding light on the emergence of the Saudi national resistance in the Diriyah region led, the study also aims to unveil the importance of the historical period in the Arabian Peninsula and to document the most important historical events. Saud managed to convince the Arab community with their ideology, and the extent to which people accepted their views. How Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab and Muhammad ibn Saud managed to control some areas of the Arabian Peninsula, and formed the first Saudi state. The success of the religious reform in Najd region, was a result of the deteriorating conditions, also persuading people and spreading ideologies among them and extending the political influence over the regions of Al-Ahsa, the Hijaz and Amman.

The center and east of the island were never under Ottoman rule. This indicates that Muhammad bin Saud and his ally found the appropriate resort to reform the Arab society in the Arabian Peninsula, and to establish a state with national sovereignty, representing the first Saudi state. The study forwards conclusions and outlined some recommendations.

Keywords: Muhammad bin Saud, Diriyah Twelveth Century AH, Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, the First Saudi State, Najd.

Dr. Elham Muatasim Elbashir BANAGA, Khartoum University – SUDAN, The Islamic University of Minnesota – Senegal Branch

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