مساهمة الأصناف النباتيّة الجديدة في دفع عجلة التّنمية المستدامة في إطار قواعد اتفاقية تريبسplus
New plant varieties contribute to the advancement of sustainable development as they represent one of the most important elements on which protection as a branch of intellectual property is based. Moreover, they play an active role in the economic, social, political and environmental aspects of life, based on two essential pillars: food and medicine. Therefore, given the great importance of new plant varieties, their protection has become a real challenge faced by different countries, especially with regard to their contribution to the promotion of sustainable development by creating a balance in the protection process.
Since the TRIPS agreement have taken over the protection of this subject under the open legal rules, and this has swung the protection systems between acquittal and special rules influencing the balance between developed and developing countries to put the latter in a position to revolt through the Doha declaration in order to benefit from the advantages of the TRIPS Agreement and to free themselves from the monopoly exercised by developed countries on patented medicines and the movements exercised have probably made emerge additional norms called TRIPS Plus in order to benefit from technology transfer contracts in the field of medicines which helps to encourage foreign investment and raise the bar of sustainable development higher.
Keywords: New Plant Varieties; Sustainable Development; Doha Declaration; Technology Transfer Contracts; TRIPS Plus Standards.
Meroua DJAZIRI, Third year PhD – industrial property law, Affiliation Informer: Human Security Informer: (Reality, Bets and Prospects) University of Hajj Lakhdar, Faculty of Law – Batna 1 – ALGERIA
Miloud SELLAMI, Professor of Higher Education – Hadj Lakhdar University, Faculty of Law, Batna 1 – ALGERIA