أخبار عاجلة

The efficiency of the administrative mechanisms in Islamic banks is a catalyst for their resilience in the face of the global financial crisis

نجاعة الآليات الإدارية في البنوك الإسلامية عامل مساعد لصمودها أمام الأزمة المالية العالمية

Numerous studies have proven the resilience of Islamic banks in the face of the economic crisis that struck the American banking sector in the beginning, which affected, to varying degrees, European banks and other banks around the world.

Since many academic researches have emphasized the importance of the role that administrative mechanisms play in the life of the institution, whatever the sector it belongs to, we have to ask if it is really the administrative characteristics of Islamic banks that have positively affected the productive efficiency of Islamic banks, enabling them to withstand the crisis.

So this research is based on studying the efficiency of Islamic banks and evaluating the efficacy of the peculiarities of their administrative mechanisms and their support for their effectiveness compared to conventional banks based on a new indicator that we will, God willing, establish. To reach this goal, we will, in a first stage, reformulate the Directional Technology Distance Function, taking into consideration the peculiarities of the bank’s administrative mechanisms. In a second stage, and based on the new formula of the function, we will republish the Luenberger Productivity Index in Islamic Banks.

Keywords: Islamic banks, Efficiency of Administrative Mechanisms, Function of Technical Oriented Dimension.

Salim BOURCHID ABDELKADER, Business Administration Department, College of Business, King Khalid University, Abha, Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA

Zied AKROUT, Business administration department, College of Business, King Khalid University, Abha, Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA

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