A modern and authentic jurisprudence study
عقد السلم أحكامه وتطبيقاته المعاصرة
دراسة فقهية حديثية تأصيلية
The peace contract is one of the topics that are directly related to the economic life of the human being and its strength.
The research concluded a number of results, including:
1- The experience of Islamic banks in our country is still in its infancy, and therefore it suffers from some defects, especially the contract of peace and its applications in Islamic banks. For this, Islamic banks in our country need to achieve their goals to develop their methods in various fields, especially in introducing new products in Islamic banking and activating the contract of peace and its applications that are compatible with the spirit of Islamic Sharia.
2- The most appropriate theory of the conditions associated with contracts for adoption in our time is the Hanbali theory because it includes a number of advantages: it has great flexibility that enables contracting parties to adapt contracts and dispose of their effects in a way that meets their desires and fulfills their needs, in addition to opening a wide door for development in a manner that suits time and place. In which it is applied, and with everything mentioned, it achieves the required adherence to the legal texts and controls.
Keywords: Contract, Financial Transactions, Ladder, Banks.
Dr. Adnan Mohamad ABO OMAR, City University College, Ajman, Al Falah University, Dubai – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Mohamad Baraa AL SABBAGH, Yalova University – Yalova State – TÜRKIYE