Critical Inductive Study
التطور الدلالي لمصطلح الحسن عند المحدثين
دراسة استقرائية نقدية
This research aims to investigate the semantic development of the term Al-Hassan according to scholars of Hadiiths by demonstrating the conceptual development of the semantic term and working on reviewing the contemporary semantic development factors with appropriate usages among the Imams. How they meticulously use the term Al-Hassan together with what it technically means inline their views. This research clearly monitors the stages of maturation of the term Al-Hasan and examines the correctness of the statement that Al-Hasan is also a subclass of the term authentic in classification of Hadiiths by highlighting who first coined this technical term among the Imaams and how its semantic development became unanimously accepted among all scholars of Hadiiths. This paper also explains the categorical classes of Hadiiths in terms of accepting and refuting from the intellectual point of views and showed the risk of losing sight of this semantic evolution of the term Al-Hassan while shedding light on the essence of conceptual terminology.
Keywords: Development, Contemporary Term, Factors, Indication, Solicitation, Al-Hassan.
Dr. Fares Abdulahamid Mukhtar El-FTEESI, Lecturer at the Faculty of Sharia Sciences – Souque Al-Jumoua, Department of Fundamentals of Religion, University of Tripoli – LIBYA