أخبار عاجلة

The impact of applying change strategies in supporting the continuous improvement process in organizations

دراسة حالة: بنك الخرطوم فرعي سوبا شرق والعيلفون.

أثر تطبيق استراتيجيات التغيير في دعم عملية التحسين المستمر بالمنظمات

دراسة حالة: بنك الخرطوم فرعي سوبا شرق والعيلفون.

The study aimed to know the impact of the application of change strategies in the continuous improvement process, an applied study on the Bank of Khartoum, Soba and Elifoun branches in Khartoum State. She summarized her problem in a number of questions, including:(1) To what extent does the application of change strategies affect the support of the process of continuous improvement in the branches of Bank of Khartoum, Soba and Livon? (2) To what extent does Bank of Khartoum, Soba and Elifoun branches, use change strategies in developing its various functional activities? The study assumed the following:(1) There is no statistically significant relationship between the application of change strategies and the process of continuous improvement in the Bank of Khartoum, Soba and Elifoun branches, (2) There is no statistically significant relationship between the application of change strategies and the development of banking functional activities in Bank of Khartoum, Soba and Elifoun branches. The study used the descriptive analytical method, the case study method, and the SPSS program, The study found several results, the most important of which are: (1) There is a statistically significant relationship between the application of change strategies and the process of continuous improvement in Bank of Khartoum Soba and Elifoun sub-branch, (2) There is a statistically significant relationship between the application of change strategies and the development of banking functional activities in Bank of Khartoum Soba and Elifoun branch. Finally, the study recommended the following: (3) The management of the Bank of Khartoum, Soba and Elifoun branches, should strive to follow the method of persuasion in ensuring the participation of all employees in bringing about the process of change and development in all its banking activities,(4) The management of the Bank of Khartoum, Soba and Elifoun branches, should increase its efforts in creating an appropriate regulatory environment that encourages the efficient application of continuous improvement methodology in all its business and activities.

Keywords: The concept of change, Types of Change, Strategies of Change, The Concept of Continuous Improvement, Goals of continuous Improvement, Models of Continuous Improvement.

Principal Investigator: Dr.Mohammed Ahamed Mohammed YOUSIF, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, College of Science and Arts in Dhahran Al-Janoub Governorate, King Khalid University – Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA

sub-researcher: Dr. TOUKABRI Mohamed, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, College of Science and Arts in Dhahran Al-Janoub Governorate, King Khalid University – Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA

تقييم المستخدمون: 4.33 ( 3 أصوات)

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