أخبار عاجلة

The actuality of the digital currency Libra and it is legitimacy from an Islamic law perspective

حقيقة عملة الليبرا The Libra ومدى قبولها من الناحية الشرعية

This study aims primarily to explain the legal ruling of Libra, the currency that has been proposed by facebook on the 18 June 2018. This necessarily requires shedding light on the essence of the currency, its history, function, early and contemporary types and its legal condition.

The importance of this research study appears to be the first in its type, as the researcher did not come across any research or papers deals with this emerging currency. This might be due to the newness of this juristic occurrence. Moreover, it will be soon exchanged in the market; therefore, people would inquire about its validity. This study has used the inductive approach, and the analytical deductive method.

Keywords: Currency, (Takeef) Juristic condition, Electronic money, Libra Currency, Digital currency.

Ghassan Mohamed AL CHIKH, Professor of Islamic jurisprudence and its foundations, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies Ajman University – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

تقييم المستخدمون: 4.56 ( 1 أصوات)

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